Setting Hostinger Email

Instructions on how to setup Hostinger's Email on your devices.

Instructions on how to setup Hostinger's Email on your devices:

Hostinger Settings

Setting up Hostinger email on various email clients involves configuring the incoming and outgoing mail servers with the appropriate settings. Below are step-by-step instructions for setting up Hostinger email on Outlook, Thunderbird, and Apple Mail for both Windows and Mac OS.

Hostinger Email Settings

Before starting, make sure you have the following information from Hostinger:

- **Incoming Mail Server (IMAP):**

- **Incoming Mail Server (POP3):**

- **Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):**

- **IMAP Port:** 993 (SSL)

- **POP3 Port:** 995 (SSL)

- **SMTP Port:** 465 (SSL)

- **Username:** Your full email address (e.g.,

- **Password:** Your email account password


Outlook on Windows

**1. Open Outlook:**

   - Open the Outlook application on your Windows computer.

**2. Add a New Account:**

   - Click on "File" in the top-left corner.

   - Select "Add Account".

**3. Enter Email Address:**

   - Type your Hostinger email address and click "Connect".

**4. Select Account Type:**

   - Choose either "IMAP" or "POP" (IMAP is recommended).

**5. Enter Server Settings:**

   - Incoming Mail Server:

     - IMAP:, Port: 993, Encryption: SSL/TLS

     - POP3:, Port: 995, Encryption: SSL/TLS

   - Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):, Port: 465, Encryption: SSL/TLS

   - Username: Your full email address

   - Password: Your email account password

**6. Finish Setup:**

   - Click "Next" and then "Finish" once Outlook verifies the settings.

Outlook on Mac

**1. Open Outlook:**

   - Open the Outlook application on your Mac.

**2. Add a New Account:**

   - Click on "Outlook" in the top menu.

   - Select "Preferences" and then "Accounts".

   - Click the "+" button to add a new account.

**3. Enter Email Address:**

   - Type your Hostinger email address and click "Continue".

**4. Enter Server Settings:**

   - Choose "IMAP" or "POP" and enter the following details:

   - Incoming Mail Server:

     - IMAP:, Port: 993, Encryption: SSL/TLS

     - POP3:, Port: 995, Encryption: SSL/TLS

   - Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):, Port: 465, Encryption: SSL/TLS

   - Username: Your full email address

   - Password: Your email account password

**5. Finish Setup:**

   - Click "Add Account" to complete the setup.



Thunderbird on Windows and Mac OS

**1. Open Thunderbird:**

   - Open the Thunderbird application on your computer.

**2. Add a New Account:**

   - Click on the menu button (three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner.

   - Select "New" and then "Existing Mail Account…".

**3. Enter Account Information:**

   - Your name: Enter your name as you want it to appear.

   - Email address: Enter your Hostinger email address.

   - Password: Enter your email account password.

   - Click "Continue".

**4. Manual Configuration:**

   - Click on "Manual config" to enter the server settings manually.

   - Incoming Mail Server:

     - IMAP:, Port: 993, SSL/TLS

     - POP3:, Port: 995, SSL/TLS

   - Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):, Port: 465, SSL/TLS

   - Username: Your full email address

**5. Finish Setup:**

   - Click "Done" to complete the setup.


Apple Mail

#### Apple Mail on Mac OS

**1. Open Apple Mail:**

   - Open the Mail application on your Mac.

**2. Add a New Account:**

   - Click on "Mail" in the top menu.

   - Select "Add Account" and choose "Other Mail Account…".

   - Click "Continue".

**3. Enter Account Information:**

   - Name: Enter your name as you want it to appear.

   - Email address: Enter your Hostinger email address.

   - Password: Enter your email account password.

   - Click "Sign In".

**4. Enter Server Settings:**

   - If Mail cannot verify the account automatically, enter the following details manually:

   - Incoming Mail Server:

     - IMAP:, Port: 993, Encryption: SSL/TLS

     - POP3:, Port: 995, Encryption: SSL/TLS

   - Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):, Port: 465, Encryption: SSL/TLS

   - Username: Your full email address

   - Password: Your email account password

**5. Finish Setup:**

   - Click "Sign In" and then "Done" to complete the setup.


### Summary

- **Outlook:** Add a new account, enter your Hostinger email address, and configure the incoming and outgoing mail server settings.

- **Thunderbird:** Add a new existing mail account, enter your email address, and manually configure the server settings.

- **Apple Mail:** Add a new mail account, enter your email address and password, and manually configure the server settings if needed.

By following these instructions, you can set up your Hostinger email on Outlook, Thunderbird, and Apple Mail on both Windows and Mac OS.